Old Official UUA Chalice


Unitarian Universalist Buddhist Fellowship Chalice


As a spirituality program of The Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis, the Mindfulness Practice Group is governed by the policies of UUCA, including the Safe Congregation Covenant. We are pleased to abide by these policies. In our democratic adoption of our own covenant and policies for our programs and governance, we have honored the seven principles which Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote and which constitute the core of the covenant among Unitarian Universalist Congregations.

The seven principles:

  • 1. The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
  • 2. Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
  • 3. Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;
  • 4. A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
  • 5. The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;
  • 6. The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all; and
  • 7. Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

The Mindfulness Practice Group of Annapolis is a place of safety and integrity for each person’s mind and body. We are a supportive and nurturing Sangha, celebrating the diversity of those gathered with us. Recognizing that warmth, kindness and compassion will shape us as a Sangha of goodwill and generosity, we covenant to affirm and promote:
  • ☸ Understanding, honesty and kindness in our relationships;
  • ☸ Respect for the right of others to be different and to choose what to believe and practice;
  • ☸ Openness to others’ insights and experiences;
  • ☸ A welcoming nonjudgmental attitude;
  • ☸ Speaking truthfully and constructively;
  • ☸ Using words that are supporting and caring—not harsh, belittling or demeaning;
  • ☸ Refraining from uttering words or taking actions that can create discord or cause the community to break; and
  • ☸ Listening deeply to one another.
As we continue our spiritual path, honoring the gifts, blessings and commitments each person brings to our Sangha, let us be gentle with each other, mindful that our perceptions can be in error, and not be attached to our views. (Adopted August, 2007; reaffirmed September, 2008)



Facilitators are responsible to the UUCA for the operation of the MPG within UUCA governing documents, policies, and safety and other regulations. Facilitators are listed annually with the UUCA as part of the required annual report. No number of facilitators is specified, although the UUCA normally prefers a number greater than one. As a result, facilitators should normally be members of the UUCA familiar with its published governing documents, policies and procedures. They should also normally have been practicing with the MPG and have been a church member for at least a continuous year in each case, deeply involved in the life of both the MPG and church community so that they are thoroughly acquainted with the procedures and customs of both communities. Facilitators meet regularly to discuss scheduling programs (weekly and special events) and other intermittent business like finances. Although all members of the MPG are encouraged to receive credentials in Buddhist organizations with which they are affiliated, the MPG is peer led and lay led as well as non-sectarian. (Adopted August, 2007; amended September, 2008)

The Caretaking Council is charged with responding to issues so pressing that there is no time to call a business meeting of the sangha. In these circumstances the Caretaking Council particularly takes care of the identity, life, and practices of the sangha. In no case will the Caretaking Council act on any matters dealing with the identity, life, and practices of the sangha if there is time to call a business meeting of the whole sangha or otherwise detract from the sangha’s democratic decision making. Facilitators will convene the Caretaking Council if they learn of such an issue requiring a rapid response. Facilitators of the MPG may also bring personnel issues to the Caretaking Council seeking its advice or a decision. If directly affected members wish to have the personnel issue brought before the whole sangha at a business meeting, that will be done; and the business meeting can overrule any decisions made by the Caretaking Council or express disagreement with its advice. The Caretaking Council itself has full initiative to convene if it thinks it appropriate to clarify issues or exchange ideas or information. The Caretaking Council may invite facilitators or others at its own discretion, unless facilitators have convened the meeting. Members of the Caretaking Council are particularly charged with attending to discussion in constant Deep Listening for unmet needs among the membership of the sangha. They have full initiative, separately and collectively, to explore ideas with members, to help members formulate their needs and dreams so that they might be shared with all. Members of the Caretaking Council are elected for two year terms (initially staggered one and two years upon institution.) To be nominated and to sit on the Caretaking Council one must have been consistently committed to the practice and sangha-life of the MPG of Annapolis for at least six continuous months and evince a comprehension of the Buddhadharma, an established personal meditative practice, and sangha-friendship toward others in the Mindfulness Practice Group. (Adopted March, 2009)



The MPG of Annapolis exists to practice Buddhadharma, although it may occasionally examine other related practices for purposes of comparison and/or to engage in ecumenical activities. The MPG is non-sectarian and celebrates the diversity of Buddhist and other meditative orientations represented within the group, and welcomes participants from all contemplative traditions to attend its programs. Programs may be proposed by those who have been consistently committed to the practice and sangha-life of the MPG of Annapolis for at least six continuous months and who evince a comprehension of the Buddhadharma, an established personal meditative practice, and sangha-friendship toward others in the MPG. Those who wish to propose a Thursday program may contact any facilitator with a proposal, 150 words maximum. Proposers of programs are encouraged to work with others and to integrate broad participation into their programs. Facilitators will schedule proposed programs based on their general appeal, compatibility with the goals of the group, participatory structure, and available time slots. Because introductory sections on Sunday are shorter and must be more tightly organized, are more prone to misunderstanding or even disruption by the naďve, and generate more questions about the dharma, Sunday programs will normally be done by the facilitators or those they invite to fill gaps in the schedule. (Adopted August, 2007)


As a spirituality group of UUCA, The Mindfulness Practice Group supports its members in adopting meditative practices; all sessions and special events are directed at the goal of encouraging meditative practice. In keeping with the Buddhadharma, we encourage a commitment to an ethical life in community, including gratitude and specifically the virtue of dana, generosity. We commit ourselves to honor the generosity shown us in space, time, and staff by expressions of gratitude including donations to UUCA. We aim to maintain a reserve fund from money donated to us in order to support scholarship applicants who wish to deepen their practice at retreats and events with honored teachers, yet we also commit ourselves to express financial gratitude toward UUCA at least annually. (Adopted February, 2012)


1. MPGA members may receive funding for one major event a year. However, attendance at less costly events such as local Days of Mindfulness or All-Day Sittings is encouraged and support will not be limited to a single event in such cases.
2. Recipients of scholarships should be in financial need, meaning that attendance without aid would be difficult. Levels if support will be determined on an ad hoc basis considering both level of need and funds available.
3. Recipients of scholarships should have attended regularly at least six months at the time of their application and have an active, constructive involvement in the life of the sangha.
4. “Applications” may be as simple as an e-mail specifying the title and location of event, a break-down of costs, an internet link (if available), and a few sentences on how the applicant believes that the event will benefit him/her and the MPGA. The scholarship committee may seek more information.
5. “Applications” will be considered by a scholarship committee meeting with one of the facilitators.
6. Nothing in these guidelines can be construed to conflict with nor supersede any fiscal practices or guidelines of the UUCA. The MPGA aims to operate with the utmost financial propriety. (Adopted August, 2007; Amended April, 2010)

Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis logoThe Mindfulness Practice Group is a spirituality program of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis. Visit the UUCA Home Page HERE.

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